The 1840 US Census was in some ways not nearly as informative as those that followed. For example, only the name of the head of the family was supplied, along with "binned" ages for all members of the family, free blacks, and slaves, if any. The head of the family seems to have been always male, if living, based on what I've seen so far.
In the 1850 US Census, the John and Mary Averett family, residing in Putnam County, Georgia, did not own any slaves, included:
- Line 22: John Averett; Age = 41
- Line 23: Mary Averett; Age = 35
- Line 24: Harris Averett; Age = 19
- Line 25: Mary Averett; Age = 15[?]
- Line 26: Catherine Averett; Age = 14
- Line 27: David F. Averett; Age = 12
- Line 28: Sarah M. Averett; Age = 9
- Line 29: I.J.L. Averett; Age = 7
- Line 30: Alvus Averett; Age = 5
- Line 31: Nancy Averett; Age = 3
- John Averett would have been about 31 years old,
- Mary Averett would have been about 25 years old,
- Harris would have been about 9 years old,
- Mary would have been about 5 years,
- Catherine would have been 4 years old, and
- David would have been 2 years old.
- 1 male (0 - 5 years old)
- 1 male (5 - 9 years old)
- 1 male (30 - 39 years old)
- 1 female (0 - 5 years old)
- 1 female (5 - 9 years old)
- 1 female (20 - 29 years old)
This will be exact if we know about all living children in 1840. That is, there would have been no children living in 1840 who subsequently died and would therefore not have been enumerated in the 1850 US Census.
Begin by searching for John Averett in any census taken in the 1840s on The result looks like the following:
The search algorithm provides two results that it thinks are especially likely possible matches, along with 152 lesser candidates. For the first, the John Averett family living in Columbus Ward 4, Muscogee County, Georgia, here is a copy of the 1840 Census enumeration sheet: (click to enlarge)
The family of this particular John Averett has two free white males under five years of age, one free white male of age 20 - 29 years, one free white male of age 30 - 39 years, one free white female under five years of age, one free white female of age 29 - 39 years, no free blacks, and no slaves (which are shown on the facing page in the census book, not shown here).
For the second John Averett, the one living in District 724 in the same county, here is a copy of the enumeration sheet.
The family of this particular John Averett has one free white male of age under five years, one free white male of age 5 - 9 years, one free white male of age 30 - 39 years, one free white female of age under five years, one free white female of age 5 - 9 years, and one free white female of age 20 - 39 years. Interestingly, this is exactly the pattern we are looking for.
Since we want to account for the cases in which children (or parents living with the family) have died during the decade of 1840 - 1850, we should look for families that have:
- At least 1 free white male of age under 5 years,
- at least 1 free white male of age 5 - 9 years 3,
- at least 0 free white males of age 10 - 14 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 15 - 19 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 20 - 29 years,
- at least 1 free white male of age 30 - 39 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 40 - 49 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 50 - 59 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 60 - 69 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 70 - 79 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 80 - 89 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 90 - 99 years,
- at least 0 free white males of age 100+ years,
- at least 1 free white female of age under 5 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 5 - 9 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 10 - 14 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 15 - 19 years,
- at least 1 free white female of age 20 - 29 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 30 - 39 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 40 - 49 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 50 - 59 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 60 - 69 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 70 - 79 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 80 - 89 years,
- at least 0 free white females of age 90 - 99 years, and
- at least 0 free white females of age 100+ years.
Equivalently, we can rule out all families that have fewer than:
It should be easier to check five conditions for each family instead of twenty-six conditions for each family.
The John Averett family in District 724 of Muscogee County (includes the city of Columbus, Georgia) looks promising but we need to find out how many John Averett families there were in Georgia and maybe in nearby states. Possible variations on the name include "John Averett", "John Everett", "J. Averett", "J. Everett", "Averett", "Everett", etc.
- 1 free white male of age under 5 years,
- 1 free white male of age 5 - 9 years,
- 1 free white male of age 30 - 39 years,
- 1 free white female of age under 5 years, and
- 1 free white female of age 20 - 29 years.
We have a list of 154 families that the search algorithm has determined are similar to, or are somewhat similar to, our ideal match. I constructed a spreadsheet that summarizes the reported age distributions of each family, summarizing one family for each line in the spreadsheet. Click to enlarge:
All lines that did not satisfy the constraints were then discarded by graying them out. For example, excluding all families that did not have at least one free white male child under the age of 5 years allows us to immediately discard 97 candidate families. This leaves 57 families, some of which will also be discarded after applying the other four conditions. Click to enlarge.
At the end of the process we are left with only six families:
- John Averett family in District 724, Muscogee County, Georgia
- Allen Arentt family in Stewart County, Georgia
- Soloman Averett family in District 787, Muscogee County, Georgia
- John Everett family in Yazoo County, Mississippi
- Wilie H.H. Everett in Davidson's District 290, Jasper County, Georgia
- Jas. Everett in District 952, Chatooga County, Georgia
- John Averett family in District 724, Muscogee County, Georgia
- Allen Averett family in Stewart County, Georgia
- Soloman Averett family in District 787, Muscogee County, Georgia
- John Everett family in Yazoo County, Mississippi
- Wilie H.H. Everett in Davidson's District 290, Jasper County, Georgia
- Jas. Everette in District 952, Chatooga County, Georgia
Sometimes the difference is startling so it is worth your while to see if you, being familiar with the names in question, can come up with a better transcription than what is supplied. Examples: "Drury Avent" should read "Drury Averett", "Thos. Avoritt" should be "Thos [or Thomas] Averett", and (worst of all): "Philip Hockenburg" was mis-transcribed/incorrectly "corrected" by another genealogy researcher as "John Everitt". (!!!)
Since we are fairly certain that the given name of the head of the family was, in fact, "John", we can discard all but the following two families:
Since we are fairly certain that the given name of the head of the family was, in fact, "John", we can discard all but the following two families:
- John Averett family in District 724, Muscogee County, Georgia
- John Everett family in Yazoo County, Mississippi
If we had been left with no names, it would have been necessary to go back and think of another strategy to narrow the results. This is why I kept and copied so much data into my spreadsheet. I don't have enough experience yet to know whether this is going to be necessary all the time or not.
The results of the search indicate that the family in Muscogee County, Georgia (3.5 stars) is much more likely than the family in Yazoo County, Mississippi (1.5 stars) to be our John and Mary Averette family. Is this only because the spelling of the surname "Averett" is exactly what we're looking for, as opposed to "Everett"? (Although"Everett" is said to be a known variant of Averett according to other research on this family.)
How try this: sort the spreadsheet to find all candidate families in Muscogee County, Georgia. Click to enlarge the result:
The results of the search indicate that the family in Muscogee County, Georgia (3.5 stars) is much more likely than the family in Yazoo County, Mississippi (1.5 stars) to be our John and Mary Averette family. Is this only because the spelling of the surname "Averett" is exactly what we're looking for, as opposed to "Everett"? (Although"Everett" is said to be a known variant of Averett according to other research on this family.)
How try this: sort the spreadsheet to find all candidate families in Muscogee County, Georgia. Click to enlarge the result:
We find five families, all named "Averett" and all spelled that same way, each residing in Muscogee County, Georgia. After looking for candidate families in Yazoo County, Mississippi, I found only the one "John Everett". This doesn't prove that our John Averett is the one in Muscogee County, of course, but I have a feeling that at least some of these Averett families in the county are relatives of our John Averett. Similary, the fact that we found only one "Everett" in Yazoo County does not prove that he isn't my ancestor. But the difference in spelling, unsurprising as it might be, tends to make me think that Muscogee County is the one we want.
Tentative conclusion: It seem more likely that the John Averett family in District 724, Muscogee County, Georgia is the John and Mary Averett family to which my ggg-grandfather David Franklin Averett (1837-1927) belonged in 1840. But I would feel MUCH better if I could find some corroborating evidence to further support this conclusion.
Tentative conclusion: It seem more likely that the John Averett family in District 724, Muscogee County, Georgia is the John and Mary Averett family to which my ggg-grandfather David Franklin Averett (1837-1927) belonged in 1840. But I would feel MUCH better if I could find some corroborating evidence to further support this conclusion.
The next step is to extract as much information as possible from the 1840 US Census for this family.
Here are the two images (facing pages, apparently) that report on this family:
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1840 John Averett Family - 1840 US Census (page 1 of 2) |
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1840 John Averett Family - 1840 US Census (page 1 of 2) |
Column Headers for Page 1 of 2
- Name of the county, city, ward, town, township, parish, precinct, hundred, or district
- Names of heads of families
- Free white persons (including heads of families)
- Males
- Under 5
- 5 & under 10
- 10 & under 15
- 15 & under 20
- 20 & under 30
- 30 & under 40
- 40 & under 50
- 50 & under 60
- 60 & under 70
- 70 & under 80
- 80 & under 90
- 90 & under 100
- 100+
- Females
- Under 5
- 5 & under 10
- 10 & under 15
- 15 & under 20
- 20 & under 30
- 30 & under 40
- 40& under 50
- 50 & under 60
- 60 & under 70
- 70 & under 80
- 80 & under 90
- 90 & under 100
- 100+
- Free colored persons
- Males
- Under 10
- 10 & under 24
- 24 & under 35
- 36 & under 55
- 56 & under 100
- 100 & upwards
- Females
- Under 10
- 10 & under 24
- 24 & under 35
- 36 & under 55
- 56 & under 100
- 100 & upwards
Column Headers for Page 2 of 2
- Slaves
- Males
- Females
- Total
- Number of persons in each family employed in
- Mining
- Agriculture
- Commerce
- Manufacture and trade
- Navigation of the ocean
- Navigation of canals, lakes, rivers
- Learned professional engineers
- Pensioners for Revolutionary or military services, included in the foregoing
- Names
- Ages
- Deaf and Dumb, Blind, and Insane White Persons, Included in the foregoing
- Deaf and Dumb
- Under 14
- 14 and under 25
- 25 and upwards
- Blind and Insane
- Blind
- Insane and idiots at public charge
- Insane and idiots at private charge
- Deaf and Dumb, Blind, and Insane Colored Persons, Included in the foregoing
- Deaf, Dumb, and Blind
- Deaf and Dumb
- Blind
- Insane and Idiots
- Insane and idiots at private charge
- Insane and idiots at public charge
- Schools & c.
- Universities or college
- Number of students
- Academies & Grammar Schools
- No. of Scholars
- Primary and Common Schools
- No. of Scholars at Public charge
- No. of white persons over 20 years of age in each family who cannot read and write
SCHEDULE of the whole number of persons within the division allotted to Michael Helaske (difficult to read handwritten name) by the Marshal of the District (or Territory) of Georgia.
Page 1 of 2 (line 25)
- location = 724th District [difficult-to-read handwriting: G M?]
- name = John Averett
- Free white males under 5 years of age = 1 [probably David Franklin Averett]
- Free white males of age 5 to 9 years = 1 [probably Harris Averett]
- Free white males of age 30 to 39 years = 1 [husband/father John Averett]
- Free white females under 5 years of age = 1 [probably Catherine Averett]
- Free white females of age 5 to 9 years = 1 [probably Mary Averett]
- Free white females of age 20 to 29 years = 1 [probably wife/mother Mary Averett]
- Free colored persons = 0
- Slaves = 0
- total number of persons = 6
- no marks under any other headings, including the type of employment
Since this is the first time I've discussed this location in this particular blog, I have included a Wikipedia map showing the location of Muscogee County with respect to the rest of the state of Georgia. Material on Wikipedia is copyrighted under Creative Commons, which I believe gives me permission to use it here, since I have specified where it came from. Click the image to see the full Wikipedia entry for Muscogee County.
great details and analysis here - I have found in some 1840 Census records that if all the men were involved in farming the enumerator only wrote it down once... Still, wouldn't it be nice to find one more piece of information to support this tentative document! Cheers on a thorough analysis of the data for your ancestor(s).
ReplyDeleteHi Celia, thanks for the nice words and also the info about the enumerator writing it only once. I'll definitely go back and look for that.